An Old Western Rite Catholic Orthodox Jurisdiction

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::: ABOUT US :::


About Us & Our History

Below, we will tell you a little about us and our history and our Catholic Faith.  We work for God and the work we do is in God's name.  Let us now take the time here and give all Glory and Honor to God, His only begotton Son, Jesus Christ, and His Church, and tell you a little about us.

If you have not visited our Catechism page and Our Canon Law page, please do so.  The Catechism page outlines our basic doctrine (Our Confession of Faith) and its tenets, and the Canons lists the Canon Laws of our Church.  We will be updating our Catechsim in the near future to bring it in line with the Roman Catholic church in many respects, while we still maintain our independent Jurisdiction.

(CREDITS:  We give credit to the Old Catholic Church of America and the Wikipedia Internet Encyclopedia for providing the historical background information of the history of the Orthodox, roman and Old Catholic Churches.)

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Our Church...

Our Church started many years ago.  Its history is a combination of mergers with smaller Independent Catholic and Non-Denominational Churches.  We started out as an Order, like the one Mother Theresa of Calcutta, India, started and operated.  Then we grew into a Mission Church, which is the next step to growing into a physical Church building.

We are an Independent Ancient Catholic Church, operating under the Old Catholic Doctrine.  Though "Orthodox" in name, we follow the Western Rite (also known as the "Roman Catholic Rite").   We are currently a "Mission Church" which means that we perform God's services in the Mission Field operating independent Catholic missions and assisting other Catholic Churches world-wide.

We do not presently have a physical Church building.  We worship and hold services in our Mission Houses or in other Catholic Churches (Roman, Orthodox\Eastern\Byzantine, or Independent) wherever we are located.  Many of our independent Mission Workers hold services in their homes when there is no other Church available.

Our beliefs and doctrine is all inclusive.  We go back to original Church that St. Peter founded which is based on the Antioch Rite.  We believe in the Ancient faith that existed prior to the Great Schism between the Eastern (Constantinople\Byzantine Rite) and Western (Roman Rite) Churches that occurred in the year 1054.  Our beliefs accept and make as part of our doctrine, The roman Catholic Rite, The Munich Statement of 1871, Declaration of Utrecht of 1889, and the Statement of Faith of Archbishop Matthew of 1911.   We are a true, Apostolic, Christian, Catholic Church that practices all seven sacraments. 

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We are one of the few Catholic Churches who work with Independent, Roman Catholic, Eastern\Orthodox Catholic (Byzantine), Protestant and Non-Denominational Churches in the mission field.

We are known and referred to as "The Mediator Catholic Church."   Besides assisting the less-fortunate of the world, we mediate disputes between Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Independent Catholic Churches.

Many of our Church Members were affiliated with other Churches that were either disbanded or closed down for numerous reasons.  At one point in time, around 2000, several of us were members of an Independent Catholic Church under a Western\Roman Rite and Old Catholic Rite Church in Vermont.  That Catholic Church was absorbed by what is now known as the Christian Orthodox Catholic Church.

Recently, we merged with another Old Catholic Orthodox Church located in Massachusetts.  Now, under our Mother Church, the Old Catholic Orthodox Church, Cluj-Napoca Synod, we have three small Churches in our Synod; the Old Catholic Orthodox Church, Cluj-Napoca; the Christian Orthodox Catholic Church; and Grace Church of Miami Shores, Florida, USA.  And, we are still growing and seeking to merge with other independent Catholic Churches.

We have several Missions in the United States, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, and India.  The Missions in Italy and Bulgaria are just in the early phases of starting.  We are now starting missions in Hungary and Peru.

Our jurisdiction has its roots from many sides from emanating from true, Catholic, Apostolic succession.  Our Church Staff is made up of valid Roman and Orthodox Clergy, and those who believe in the Catholic Faith.

We are forgiving and accept those who have had contact with the criminal justice system, are poor, uneducated, physically and mentally challenged, etc. Our Church was founded on the principle that God does not cast anyone out, and that Jesus loves and forgives unconditionally regardless of our background, color, and lifestyle.

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Though, as an independent Catholic Jurisdiction and not under the rule of the Roman Catholic Church, its holy See, or the Pope we follow Roman Catholicism and the dictates of the Pope closely.

We believe that those of the Catholic Faith, whether Roman, Orthodox\Eastern\Byzantine or Independent Catholic, as well as those of the Protestant and Non-Denominational faiths, who feel disenfranchised, discarded, and left out of their Church, for whatever reason, are welcome in our Church and its family community.

We have in our service, many walks of life with different cultural and life experiences.  Every Church has its struggles and history. We are no different.  We do not hide the fact of who we are, who makes up our body of believers, or what we believe in of the Catholic Faith and our Catholic Doctrine.  We are an open and responsible Church.

At the present time, we are just now starting to plan to build the base to plant physical Churches in the United States and several other countries, and we will be implementing a Seminary and Monastery program.

Though, presently low staffed, we still move forward and try to do the best we can with what we have to work with, in assisting others.  God commands us to do this work and God provides the way and means to accomplish our work.

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A brief history of the Roman and Orthodox Catholic Churches...

Since its earliest days, the Catholic Church recognized the special positions of three bishops, who were known as patriarchs:  the Bishop of Rome, the Bishop of Alexandria, and the Bishop of Antioch.  They were joined by the Bishop of Constantinople and by the Bishop of Jerusalem, both confirmed as patriarchates by the Council of Chalcedon in 451 (refer to historical articles relating to "Pentarchy").

The patriarchs held both authority and precedence over fellow bishops in the Church.  Among them, the Bishop of Rome (the Pope) was deemed to hold a higher status, by virtue of his position as the successor of Saint Peter.  Moreover, the Pope's "See" was of particular importance, as Rome was the capital of the Roman Empire.

Even after Constantine the Great moved the capital of the Roman Empire from Rome to Constantinople in 330, the Pope retained his position as first among equals (primus inter pares) in the hierarchy, although this was not accompanied by any sort of veto or other monarchical powers over the other Patriarchs.

Disunion in the Roman Empire further contributed to disunion in the overall Catholic Church.  Theodosius the Great, who died in 395, was the last Emperor to rule over a united Roman Empire; after his death, his territory was divided into western and eastern halves, each under its own Emperor.  By the end of the 5th century, the Western Roman Empire had been destroyed by the barbarians, while the Eastern Roman Empire (known also as the Byzantine Empire) continued to thrive.  Thus, the political unity of the Roman Empire was the first to fall.

Other factors caused the East and West to drift further apart.

The dominant language of the West was Latin, while the language of the East was Greek.  Soon after the fall of the Western Empire, the number of individuals who spoke both Latin and Greek began to dwindle, and communication between East and West grew much more difficult.

With linguistic unity gone, cultural unity began to crumble as well.  The two halves of the Church were naturally divided along similar lines; their rites evolved into different rites from one another and they had developed different approaches to religious doctrines.  Although the Great Schism of 1054 was still centuries away, its outlines were already perceptible.

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Early Schisms...

The Great Schism of 1054 was not the first schism between East and West; there had, in fact, been over two centuries of schism during the first millennium of the Church.  From 343 to 398, the Church was split over Arianism, a doctrine supported by many in the East, though rejected by the Pope in the West.

A new controversy arose in 404, when the Byzantine Emperor Arcadius deposed the Roman-backed Patriarch of Constantinople, John Chrysostom.  The Pope soon broke off communion with all the eastern patriarchates, for they had countenanced Chrysostom's banishment.  The division was healed only in 415, when the eastern patriarchs retroactively recognized Chrysostom as legitimate.

Another conflict broke out when, in 482, the Byzantine Emperor Zeno issued an edict known as the Henotikon, which sought to reconcile the differences between most of the Church (which believed that Jesus Christ had two natures: human and divine) and the monophysites (who believed that Jesus Christ had only a divine nature).  The edict, however, received the condemnation of Pope Felix III.

In 484, the Pope excommunicated Acacius, the Patriarch of Constantinople who urged Zeno to issue the Henotikon.  The schism was ended in 519 — over 30 years later— when the Byzantine Emperor Justin I recognized Acacius's excommunication.

However, the Patriarchs of Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem now embraced Miaphysitism and rejected the Council of Chalcedon.  Thus, although technically reunited, the Church was in practice diverging.

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The Great Schism...


There are many catalysts which caused the separation between the Roman Catholic Church (Western) and the Orthodox Catholic Church (Eastern).  In fact, if not in theory, of the Eastern and Western churches the separation started long before 1054.  The direct, immediate causes of the formal separation of 1054 are narrated in the subsequent section.
  • The insertion of the filioque clause into the Nicene Creed by the Roman church in direct violation of the command of the Council of Ephesus, an action called non-canonical by the Eastern church.
  • Disputes in the Balkans over whether the Western or Eastern church had jurisdiction.
  • The designation of the Patriarch of Constantinople as ecumenical patriarch (which was understood by Rome as universal patriarch and therefore disputed).
  • Disputes over whether the Patriarch of Rome, the Pope, should be considered a higher authority than the other Patriarchs. All five Patriarchs of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church agreed that the Patriarch of Rome should receive higher honors than the other four; they disagreed about whether he had authority over the other four and, if he did, how extensive that authority might be.
  • The concept of Caesaropapism, a tying together in some way of the ultimate political and religious authorities, which were physically separated much earlier when the capital of the empire was moved from Rome to Constantinople. There is controversy over just how much this so-called "caesaropapism" actually existed and how much was a fanciful invention, centuries later, by western European historians.
  • Following the rise of Islam, the relative weakening of the influence of the patriarchs of Antioch, Jerusalem, and Alexandria, leading to internal church politics increasingly being seen as Rome versus Constantinople.
  • Certain liturgical practices in the West that the East believed represented innovation: the use of unleavened bread for the Eucharist, for example. Eastern innovations, such as intinction (dipping) of the bread in the wine for Communion, were condemned several times by Rome but were never the occasion of schism.

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The direct causes of the Great Schism are, however, far less grandiose than the famous filioque.

The relations between the papacy and the Byzantine court were good in the years leading up to 1054.  The Emperor Constantine IX and the Pope Leo IX were allied through the mediation of the Lombard Catepan of Italy, Argyrus, who had spent years in Constantinople, originally as a political prisoner.

Recently, Leo and Argyrus had led armies against the ravaging Normans, but the papal forces were defeated at the Battle of Civitate in 1053, which resulted in the pope being imprisoned at Benevento, where he took it upon himself to learn Greek. Argyrus had not arrived at Civitate and his absence caused a rift in papal-imperial relations just at the time when the patriarch was set to open up a Pandora's box.

Meanwhile, the Normans were busy imposing Latin customs, including the unleavened bread—with papal approval.  This riled the patriarch Cerularius, who ordered the Latin churches of Constantinople to adopt Eastern usages and when they refused, he shut them down.

He then ordered Leo, Archbishop of Ochrid, leader of the Bulgarian church, to write a letter to the Bishop of Trani, John, an Easterner, in which he attacked the "Judaistic" practices of the West.  The letter was to be sent by John to all the bishops of the West, the Pope included.

John promptly complied and the letter was passed to one Humbert of Mourmoutiers, the Cardinal-Bishop of Silva Candida, who was then in John's diocese.

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Humbert translated the letter into Latin and brought it to the Pope, who ordered a reply to be made to each charge and a defense of papal supremacy to be laid out in a response.

Though hot-headed as he was, Cerularius was convinced, probably by the Emperor and the Bishop of Trani, to cool the debate and prevent the impending breach.  However, Humbert and the Pope made no concessions, and the former was sent with legatine powers to the imperial capital to solve the questions raised once and for all.

Humbert, Frederick of Lorraine, and Peter, Archbishop of Amalfi set out in early spring and arrived in April 1054.  Their welcome was not to their liking, however, and they stormed out of the palace, leaving the papal response with Cerularius, whose anger exceeded even theirs.

The seals on the letter had been tampered with and the legates had published, in Greek, an earlier, far less civil, draft of the letter for the entire populace to read.  The patriarch determined that the legates were worse than mere barbarous Westerners, they were liars and crooks.  He refused to recognize their authority or, practically, their existence.

When pope Leo died on April 19, the legates' authority legally ceased, but they did not seem to notice.  The patriarch's refusal to address the issues at hand drove the legatine mission to extremes: on July 16, the three legates entered the church of the Hagia Sophia during mass on a Saturday afternoon and placed a bull of excommunication on the altar.  The legates left for Rome two days later, leaving behind a city near riots.

However, the Patriarch had the immense support of the people against the Emperor, who had supported the legates to his own detriment, and Argyrus, who was seen still as a papal ally.  To assuage popular anger, Argyrus' family in Constantinople was arrested, the bull was burnt, and the legates were anathematized — the Great Schism had begun.

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After 1054, many Eastern Christians saw the dispute as one between individuals.  Moreover, no council considered Ecumenical by either side ever excommunicated the other Church as such.  Several Eastern Churches make the claim that they never separated from the Western Church, though these churches are not now part of the Orthodox Church.

Though communion was not finally and completely broken until after the Ottoman invasion of Constantinople in 1453, the fundamental breach has never been healed.

The exchange of excommunications by the representative of Pope Leo IX and the Patriarch of Constantinople, Michael Cerularius, was finally rescinded in 1965, but the separation of the Roman Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox Catholic churches, each of which now claims to be "the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church," continues.


During the 12th century the Maronite Church in Lebanon and Syria reconciled with the Church of Rome, while preserving most of its own Syriac liturgy.  During the next centuries up to the 20th century many Eastern, and even Oriental, Orthodox converted or, rather, entered into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church, thereby establishing the Eastern Catholic Church under control of, but also liturgically and hierarchically separate from, the Holy See.

The Catholic-Orthodox Joint Declaration of 1965 was read out on 7 December 1965 simultaneously at a public meeting of the Second Vatican Council in Rome and at a special ceremony in Constantinople.  It addressed an exchange of excommunications between prominent ecclesiastics in the Roman See and the Patriarchate of Constantinople in 1054.

It did not end the East-West Schism but showed a desire for greater reconciliation between the two churches, represented by Pope Paul VI and Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras I.

May 7-May 9, 1999: invited by Teoctist, the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, Pope John Paul II visited Romania.  It was the first visit of a Pope to an Eastern Orthodox country since the Great Schism.

After the mass officiated in Izvor Park, Bucharest, the crowd (both Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox) chanted "Unity!".  Despite Pope John Paul II didn't participate as officiant, but only assisted to the Orthodox liturgy officiated by the Romanian Patriarch, the Greek monks in Mount Athos refused to admit Romanian priests and hieromonks as co-officiants to their liturgies for a few years afterwards.

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October 7-October 14, 2002: invited by Pope John Paul II, Teoctist, the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, visited Vatican City.

On November 27, 2004, in an attempt to "promote Christian unity", Pope John Paul II returned the bones (relics) of Patriarchs John Chrysostom and Gregory Nazianzen to Istanbul.  Chrysostom's remains were taken as war booty from Constantinople by Crusaders in 1204, and many believe that Nazianzen's were taken then as well.  However, the Vatican says the bones of the second saint were brought to Rome by Byzantine monks in the 8th century.

On May 29, 2005 in Bari, Italy, Pope Benedict XVI cited reconciliation as a commitment of his papacy, saying, "I want to repeat my willingness to assume as a fundamental commitment working to reconstitute the full and visible unity of all the followers of Christ, with all my energy."

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, together with other heads of self-governed Eastern Churches, were present at the funeral of Pope John Paul II on April 8, 2005.  This is the first time for many centuries that an Ecumenical Patriarch has attended the funeral of a Pope and is considered by many a serious sign that dialogue towards reconciliation might have started.

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A brief history of the Old Catholic Church...

Who are the Old Catholics? They are a federation of several independent national Churches which are definitely Catholic in faith and worship, and are also non-Papal. Amongst them the Archbishop of Utrecht holds a Primacy of honor not dissimilar from that accorded in the Anglican Communion to the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Wherever they are found they are the Church of a minority of the people, but smallness of numbers does not mean that they are an unimportant Church. On the contrary, they occupy a very definite place in Catholic Christendom and they are in communion with almost all the Churches of the Anglican Communion.

Old Catholicism results from the fusion of two separate and distinct movements away from the Church of Rome. The first of these was caused by Jesuit intrigue which in the eighteenth century drove the See of Utrecht into separation from the Roman Obedience. This Mother- diocese of the Netherlands had been founded by St. Willibrord, a missionary from Northumbria, in A.D. 696.

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The schism in the Church of the Netherlands arose, when the Pope deposed Archbishop Petrus Codde and appointed a new bishop, which was contrary to church law. Part of the Church remained loyal to the Chapter of the Archbishop (the Old Catholics) and the others took the side of Rome (the Roman Catholics).

The Church of Utrecht was not prepared to bow before the Jesuit-Papal striving after power. It maintained its rights and elected Cornelis Steenoven Archbishop of Utrecht (1723). He was consecrated by the Roman Catholic Bishop Dominicus Maria Varlet. In separation from Rome (and with the revived Sees of Haarlem and Deventer) Utrecht retained a valid Apostolic Succession in its ministry and continued to be Catholic in faith and worship.

For Utrecht the Scriptures and Tradition were and are the sources of the Catholic faith, in such a manner that Tradition can never add anything to, or take away from, the Scriptures. For Rome Tradition came to stand above the Scriptures and was finally embodied in the Pope (187O).

The Vatican Council of 187O killed any hope of reconciliation with Rome. The same Vatican Council produced another separation from Rome, a secession of some magnitude, which occurred in Central Europe where its leader was the celebrated Dr Ignatius von Dollinger, a Theological Professor of the University of Munich.

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His followers came to be called Old Catholics because they rejected the new doctrines of the Papal Church and appealed to the standard of faith and worship in the Undivided Christian Church. Excommunicated by Rome, they sought and obtained recognition by the See of Utrecht, and in consequence enjoy Orders which even the Roman Church admits as valid.

The Old Catholic Churches have revised doctrine, worship and discipline and there are differences between the different Churches in these matters, but all are united on the basis of the Declaration of Utrecht, as agreed in 1889. A translation of that Declaration will be found hereafter.

From 187O onwards the Old Catholic Churches have been in close touch with the Anglican Churches. The Old Catholics responded to the Lambeth Appeal of 192O with regard to Christian Unity. In 1925, the Old Catholics declared their unqualified acceptance of Anglican Orders and Sacraments. At Bonn, in 1931, terms of intercommunion were agreed upon, and have since been ratified on both sides.

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Members of either Communion may, therefore, obtain hospitality in matters spiritual in the Churches of the other. Since the Union conferences held in Bonn in 1874 and 1875 under the leadership of Von Dollinger, excellent relations have been maintained with the Eastern Orthodox Churches. These bonds were strengthened by the presence of official Eastern Orthodox delegates at several international Old Catholic congresses.

Finally it may be noted that from the very beginning the Old Catholic Churches have taken a great interest in the work of the ecumenical movement. This is the logical consequence of their conviction that they are the continuation of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church and that, with a view to the Roman Catholic aberrations on the one hand and those of the Protestants on the other hand, it is their duty to bear witness to the faith of the one and undivided Church.

If you are interested in either joining our Church Family or working for God, we would love to hear from you. Please go to the Contact Us page and e-mail us.

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