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The Holy Sacraments

It is important that you know that Sanctifying Grace is free to all who ask - it is a Gift From God through His Son Jesus Christ.  It is something you cannot afford to be uncertain about.  You cannot feel it or experience it with any of the five senses.

A religious feeling does not indicate that presence of Sanctifying Grace in the soul.  Therefore, as Catholics, we believe that Jesus Christ had to give us some signs to guide us in our acceptance of Grace.  He had to give us signs that we could see, feel, hear or experience with some of the five senses.

Jesus Christ gave us seven such signs by which we could know that we are receiving Grace.  These signs are the seven Sacraments.  Many traditional Catholic Churches took certain views of the interpretation of the Holy Scriptures (God's Word) and built certain doctrines within their Church.

After careful, in-depth study of God's Word and much prayer, we found how we are to interpret the Holy Scripture and apply the teachings of Jesus Christ our daily lives.

The Sacraments presented below are another indication of how much God loves you and how interested He is in you.


After accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savoir, you will be "Baptized".  In Baptism, you are immersed in water which signifies the cleansing of the soul, washing all your sins away, allowing the Sanctifying Grace to enter your soul.


Confirmation is an open statement made by us which we confirm and accept that we take Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savoir, and it further strengthens our commitment to be loyal followers of Jesus Christ.


Penance is a personal sacrament where you have remorse for your past conduct and are absolved of your sins.  It is voluntary self-punishment in order to atone for some wrongdoing in your life.

The Act of Penance is a direct, personal relationship between you and God, through His Glorious Son, Jesus Christ.  It is not a relationship between you, your Priest, Jesus Christ and God.

In the Penance Sacrament, repentance, confession, satisfaction, and absolution are present.  You repent of your sins on the Name of Jesus Christ, you are satisfied that on the Name of Jesus all your sins have been forgiven, and through absolution... the loving assistance of a fellow Christian, a Priest\Pastor, the Priest confirms that God has forgiven all of your sins, and edifies and encourages to strengthen your Christian walk with God.  In our Church, it is not required to have the Priest forgive you of your sins.

Grace and Penance\Repentance are free.  Once you have truly repented in your heart of all of your past sins, God automatically forgives you - without condition or additional requirements as some Churches preach. This is what God's Word tells us.

In our Catholic Church, the Priest is there to assist you and encourage you in your Christian walk, not hinder you and chastise you.  The Priest is not authorized by the Holy Scripture to deny you Penance.  If you sin and are remorseful and ask God, on the Name of Jesus Christ, to forgive and absolve you of your sin(s), no matter how great they may be, God will forgive you of all your sins - UNCONDITIONALLY!  The Priest has to accept your Penance.

We sin everyday.  We should always use the Sacrament of Penance everyday of our lives to ask Our Lord for forgiveness.  This is one of the reasons God gave His only begotten Son Jesus Christ as a sacrifice... to redeem us from Satan and Satan's sins.  As part of this redemption process, God Gave us Penance.

Holy Eucharist

The Holy Eucharist (Holy Communion) is the Sacrament in which Jesus Christ is really and physically present under the appearances of bread and wine.

Extreme Unction

Extreme Unction is an Anointing (or healing ritual) as part of our religious ceremony.  It gives strength to both the body and the soul of the sick and dying.

Holy Orders

Through Holy Orders, men and Women receive the powers of the Catholic Priesthood.


Matrimony is the Sacrament made by Jesus Christ to sanctify (make Holy) the lawful union between two Christians.


Many Churches prohibit Divorce based upon their interpretation of the Holy Scriptures.  A divorce issue is not between the Christian couple, their Pastor\Priest, Their Church, and then God.  It is only between the Christian couple and God, through Jesus Christ, no matter how one views divorce or interprets the Holy Scriptures.  As in the the matrimonial bed, a divorce issue is part of the Christian's direct relationship between God and the two Christians involved and Blessed in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  As such, a divorce issue can only be between the Christian couple and God, through Jesus Christ.  They do not need permission from their Church or Pastor\Priest for a divorce, nor do they need to go through their Pastor\Priest to go to God.  As a Christian Body we are delegated with the responsibility as Witnesses and Ambassadors of Jesus Christ to assist couples to maintain the integrity and The Holiness of the matrimonial state, not interfere with it, nor interfere with their Christian walk.  However, if it is not possible to maintain this matrimonial state, and the partners are unable to reconcile their differences, God does not want two people staying together because the Church does not allow divorce or the Church views divorce as "evil".  On the contrary. The Holy Scripture is clear on this - God does not want anyone destroying their moral characters and their Christian walk because the Church says that they have to stay married.  For God to not allow divorce is a fallacy, a misinterpretation, and a mockery of the Holy Scriptures.  If partners can not reconcile their differences, God does allow divorce.  God does not and will not disown or ex-communicate those who divorce.  However, this is a Sacrament that is to be based upon the circumstances of each couple involved.


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