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We are in the process of bringing other Independent Catholic and Anglican Churches under our Jurisdiction.

As this page is updated will be be adding names and designations of the Christ Catholic Archdiocesan and Diocesan and Parish location addresses.  General email addresses are being update.  Some offices and their respective addresses are still in development and have not been listed.

In the event you need to contact us, please e-mail us and we will reply promptly.  When e-mailing us to inquire about an employment position, please include your full name, address, telephone number, email address, citizenship, and the country of your passport (if you hold a current passport).


1126 S. Federal Hwy
Suite 165
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316

Tel:  (954) 278-7213
Fax:  (954) 239-7748
Email:  Info@cccww.org


  • The Old Catholic Orthodox Bishops of the Western Rite
  • Christ Old Catholic Orthodox Church
  • The Old Catholic Orthodox Church; Cluj-Napoca Synod
  • The Christian Orthodox Catholic Church
  • St. Francis Mission Churches (of Christ Catholic Church)


United States Church Main Office & United States Diocese
(Covering all 50 United States and Cananda.  PLEASE NOTE:  St. Francis Mission Church is located at the St. Francis Mission of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, but the Mission Church and Mission House are separate entities from each other.)

MASS LOCATIONS(In-Church Masses Are Temporarily Suspended- Video Mass To Start Soon!)

Europe and Eastern Europe Diocese
(Covering the countries of

EASTERN EUROPE:  Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Ukraine. 

NORTHERN EUROPE:  Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands (Denmark), Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Northern Ireland, Norway, Scotland, Sweden, United Kingdom. 

SOUTHERN EUROPE:  Albania, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Gibraltar, Greece, Italy, Republic of Macedonia, Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, Portugal, San Marino, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey. 

WESTERN EUROPE:  Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Switzerland.)

Asia Diocese
(Covering the countries of Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, North and South Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen.)

Mexico, Central and south Americas Diocese
(Covering the countries of Mexico and all countries located with Cental and South Americas.)

Caribbean Islands Diocese
(Covering the countries of the Caribbean.)


 General Church Information

 Church Main Office

 Church Legal Counsel's Office

 Theology & Educational Institute, Seminary & Monastery (Information and Admissions Office)

TO BECOME A MEMBER (A Parishioner - not a Clergy):  If you would like to become a Parishioner as an individual Member in Christ Catholic Church - Worldwide, please e-mail us your name, Address, telephone number and Country you are in, to:  JoinChurchNow@cccww.org

TO BECOME A CLERGY (Novice):  If you would like to study in our Seminary in the United States to become a Priest, please e-mail us your name, Church Name, Address, telephone number and Country you are in with an explanation of your request, schooling, and age, to:  JoinChurchPriest@cccww.org

TO BE INCARDINATED INTO OUR CATHOLIC JURISDICTION:  If you would like to be Incardinated into our Independent Catholic Church Jurisdiction, please e-mail us your name, Church Name, Address, telephone number and Country in and a request outlining your credentials, to:  Incardination@cccww.org

TO HAVE YOUR CHURCH CHARTED UNDER OUR JURISDICTION:  If you would like to have your Church join Christ Catholic Church - worldwide and charted under our jurisdiction, please e-mail us your name, your title or Church position, your Church Name, Address, telephone number, Country you are in, with information about your Church and current denomination, to:  JoinChurchCharter@cccww.org

Employment Opportunities (JOBS) - Religious (Deacons, Priests and Bishops) & Non-Religious (General-Regular Employment)

  •  Regular\General Employment Opportunities (non-Religious, non-Mission Employment Opportunities - to inquire about  regular, non-religious employment opportunities with the Church or one of its affiliated companies around the world)

  •  Religious Employment Opportunities (To obtain information concerning becoming a Priest or a Religious position with the  Church if you already have taken your Vows and have been Ordained or Consecrated - Vocations & Faculties)

  •  Medical, Mental Health & other Health Care Employment Opportunities (Medical Mission of Mercy Program and Doctors On  Loan Program.  For Medical Doctors, Nurses, Dentists, Psychologists and other Medical and Mental Health Professionals  seeking volunteer and paid employment opportunities in the medical mission field around the world)

 OutReach Programs (housing, employment, counseling, food, clothing, jail/prison release programs and after-care, medical/health & hospice programs, Social Justice Programs, Criminal Justice Intervention and Criminal Sentencing Alternatives and other programs working with those and their families who have had contact with the Criminal Justice System, and Human Interest and Social Legal Issues and Programs)

 Ethics Courses (Self-Improvement)

 Finance Office (Accounting & Finance)

 Prayers & Devotions Requests

 Donations & Fund-Raising Office (To Make Donations to the Church and its world wide Programs or for Fundraising Ideas, Projects, Assistance, etc.)

 Church Store (Items for sale.)

 Media Communications Department (Church Television Production and Radio Broadcasting Offices and Studios)

 Church Newsletter (to subscribe and unsubscribe to the newsletter, to submit articles and comments)

Church (Worldwide) Calendar of Events (to receive a current calendar or to post church events and dates in the calendar and newsletter)

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